Monday, March 26, 2012

...they're back

Mad Men is back. After a much too long break. As a lover of vintage, I, of course, am a lover of Mad Men. I spend quite a bit of my time imagining what it would be like to live in the 50's and 60's ( and when I'm feeling even more imaginative, the 20's and 30's). I love the fashion... the wiggle dresses, the dainty purses, kitten heels, even the undergarments. I love how the women always look beautiful and the men look so dreamy and handsome. The beautiful, shinny cars and the home all makes me melt. Enter Mad Men. If I were an actress, if would be my ultimate dream to be on the show... it is a dream actually, even though I gave up acting in grade 12...

Well, lets recap last nights 2 hour premier then.

The time line is pushing the late 60's and the fashion is reflecting it; short, brighter dresses and mod style cuts have made their appearance. Joan however, and I'm sure Betty, too are still wearing shapes that flatter their lady-like silhouettes, in more traditional cuts and colours. The 70's are my absolute least favorite era, but since the show isn't quite there yet, I am still hoping to see some great fashion.

What did everyone think about Megan Drappers lovely birthday gift to Mr. Drapper?! It's a copy cat of many typical performances of movies from the 60's -  think: any Elvis Movie, Ann Margaret, The Party, etc - a sexy women, dressed in a sexy short dress, sings with a full band to back her up, with all the moves to make it a knock out performance. While Don is quite embarrassed, his colleagues get a good laugh out of it- as did I. This scene very much reminds me of the 60's- the dress Megan wore was spot of the time period, the live band ( which included not just an African American, but a homosexual at that), the home decor complete with teak, white carpets, and gorgeous lamps, and cocktails and cigarettes.

The episode seemed to re introduce us to most of the characters and shed a little light on things to come. An affair or two surely will be in the mix; Don and Megan seem to have a rocky marriage; Pete's looming depression and dissatisfaction; the introduction of a new character, which looks to be like the companies first African American employee; Joan's return to the office and struggle with raising a child; Roger's extreme distaste for his wife, which will lead to either divorce or an affair. The season premier has lined up quite a bit for this year and I am certain we are all waiting in anticipation for the drama to unfold.

xoxo N


  1. This episode was so good! Not because so many things happened, but because so many things were set up. Pure exposition, but it was a lot of fun to watch! I loved the party scene with all the varieties of late 60s fashion and decor.

  2. i loved the party scene as well!! i like to see all theo home decor! Im pumped for this season!
